Project done under RanchiMall Internship Blockchain Contract
Note:Please use sudo with all commands for superuser permission if you are not in root mode.
Steps To install:
1-Download the file or git clone it from this url https://github.com/dloa/FloVault
Node JS
NPM(Node Package Manager)
3-Steps to install Requirements:
Open up a terminal and type the following
# Make our directory to keep it all in
First Go to your root directory or default directory of terminal.
mkdir ~/local
# Add the location to our path so that we can call it with bash
Open .bashrc file located in root directory which is probably hidden.
Use show hidden files option on right top corner..
Add this line to the end of file

export PATH=$PATH:/root/local

Remember to change root as your default username that you are using.
Now we can start with downloading and compiling
NodeJs First
git clone git://github.com/nodejs/node.git
cd node (Change Your dir to downloaded file dir)
./configure — prefix=~/local (Don’t Copy and paste)
Note:-The above command has one space after ./configure and then two hypens prefix=~/local
It will configure your files.
make install
Now wait till the installation process completes.
Change your directory back to where you have downloaded the folder using gitclone.
Now NPM (Node Package Manager)
git clone git://github.com/npm/npm.git
cd npm (Changes your dir to downloaded File Dir)
make install
Now wait till the installation process completes.
Change your directory back to where you have downloaded the folder using gitclone.
and that’s it we are done . . .
Testing our installation
Open up a command prompt and type
node –version
npm -v
Now Your main task is to run FLOVault
Go to the directory where you have downloaded the Flovault from github.
Open README.md file.
See How to install section…

Run the commands in order…
# required to compile certain files
service mysql start
It Starts Your SQL service.
npm install -g handlebars typescript
It installs some of npm dependencies.
# install dependancies in the repo dir
cd FloVault (Repository that you downloaded earlier)
npm install
# compile required files
bash build.sh
Executes build.sh script.
# load MySQL Schema
mysql -u root -p YourDbName < schema.sql
- u is for username
- -p prompts for password
- Writes schema.sql to to your database.
Note:-Check you dbname,in my case it was mysql
Refer this link to check https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/show-list-mysql-databases-on-linux-via-command-line/
# Configure your database details
cp config.example.js config.js
vim config.js
Edit Your config.js file like below image

# run server
node ./bin/www

Now,Open your browser and open

Note:Port number may vary in your system.
You can check that using
Get Your Private ip(192.168.***.***) by using

nmap -sT -sV your_private_ip
Check the port on which node server is running.
That’s all Done…Thanks For reading..