Kali Linux Bugs Fixed And Some Basic Uses
You can also refer to this youtube site for most common bugs that you will encounter after installing Kali Linux.
Till Now I have encountered these many bugs in Kali Linux.Just the type the commands given in terminal.(Rather Copy/Paste)
Note-Use sudo for each command if you are not in root mode
#Fix apt-get update authentication problem:
wget -q -O — https://archive.kali.org/archive-key.asc | apt-key add
#apt-get update slow(Replace Sources.list file contents with below links)
deb https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
deb-src https://mirrors.ocf.berkeley.edu/kali kali-rolling main contrib non-free
#Bluetooth(Temorary fix -Needs to be done after each restart)
sudo lsmod | grep blue
systemctl enable bluetooth.service
systemctl start bluetooth.service
#Vlc fix not opening //Needs to be done again after each update
sed -i ‘s/geteuid/getppid/g’ /usr/bin/vlc
Note:Increasing sound of vlc above 100% also increases the system sound above 100%(sometimes)
Tip->Use smplayer instead of vlc(But videos quality of 1080p is not supported by it)
#Right click button will work as secondary button(Advice-Don’t Use because decreases sensitivity and scroll features get disabled)
Needs to be done after each restart
modprobe -r psmouse //removes mouse cursor
modprobe psmouse proto=imps //brings cursor back with scroll disable
synclient tapbutton1=1
Power Saver Increasing Battery Backup Just Like Windows
apt-get install tlp tlp-rdw
sudo tlp start //Needs to be done after each restart
sudo tlp-stat //Needs to be done after each restart
Wake On LAN(Fix for ethernet)
Change this line below in this location(/etc/default/tlp)
Open tlp text file
Y — Wake on LAN disabled
N — Wake on LAN enabled
Note:After enabling a restart is required to ensure that the new setting takes.
#Google-chrome sandbox problem(Chrome not opening)
sudo google-chrome — no-sandbox
#Creating wifi hotspot
type in terminal
then create a new profile with mode chosen as hotspot.
then turn on wifi and in wifi-settings click icon on right top and start your hotspot.
#How to run a installed app from terminal
just copy its path in .bashrc file(this file is hidden) in root dir(Kindly unhide all files in this directory first)
For example-Add this line at the end of file .bashrc
export PATH=$PATH:/root/Desktop/pycharm-community-2017.3.3/bin
#How to kill apt process(Sometimes apt-get commands didn’t terminate successfully)
ps aux | grep apt
kill pid_number(Eg.4567)
#Securing with firewall(Blocks some apps like dc++)
apt-get install gufw //gui firewall deny pings
or simply install
apt-get install ufw //cmd line mode
#Codeblocks bug(For Improving the indentation of codeblocks)
apt-get install codeblocks
apt-get install codeblocks-contriblib
Settings of codeblocks- Change enviroment of console to gnome instead of xterm for using copy/paste feature.
This Post is for Kali Linux Lovers.Hope this will help you to configure your linux and save your time for fixing most common bugs.
Thanks For reading guys.